2018 show

About Xiaopei Chinese Dance

Located in Pleasanton, Xiaopei Chinese Dance is a dance school and company well known among the Bay Area Chinese communities. 

Its founder is Xiaopei He Gelb, a renowned Chinese dancer who won the Gold Medal at Japan’s Saitama International Creative Dance Competition and was the solo dancer selected to represent Chinese women at 2004’s “Year of China in France”;  the chief director of the Cow Palace Gala for the Beijing Olympics, China Night and other stage productions; the executive director of the special “Overseas Edition” of “The Same Song Concert,” an immensely popular TV show in China produced by China Central Television and broadcast from San Francisco’s Cow Palace; a chief judge and organizer of the Sing Tao, NCCCAF, and World Dance competitions; and the founder of the non-profit US Chinese Dance Association. 

The mission of Xiaopei Chinese Dance is to provide professional and authentic dance classes and programs; to showcase and promote the splendid Chinese culture through dance; and to develop and train talented, strong, graceful, and confident students and dancers. 

During the past 9 years, students and dancers at Xiaopei Chinese Dance have performed many times at many different community events, stage productions, and public venues throughout the Bay Area and in China, and won awards at numerous competitions, such as World Dance Competition, ShowStoppers, Starbound, International Challenge, Hall of Fame, and International Chinese Dance Competition.





舞院的創辦者是知名的旅美舞蹈家何曉佩:原中央民族歌舞團主要演員,國際創作舞蹈大賽金獎獲得者。曾在北京保利國際劇院舉辦過個人舞蹈專場; 在央視春節聯歡晚會以及全國各地電視晚會中領舞。現任美國華人舞蹈家協會主席;舊金山華星藝術團團長;曉佩舞蹈學院舞蹈團藝術總監。2009舊金山牛宮《同壹首歌》執行導演;《唱響奧運愛我中華》《越過海洋的握手》《東歡春晚》《中國之夜》等大型文藝晚會總導演。 《星島中國舞大賽》《國際武術舞蹈邀請賽》《世界舞蹈之星大獎賽》主要組織者。


學院的課程除了涵蓋中國古典舞,當代舞,民族民間舞之外,还推出了毯子功、武功课,拉丁舞和芭蕾舞課。目前學生包括了從4嵗的小朋友到到各年齡段的成人。学院师生除每年公演两场外,还有很多机会参加大型演出,艺术节和社区演出。學生們還在各项赛事中取得过優異的成績。9年来,师生们共同实习和创作了约两百多个舞蹈作品;有记录的大小表演场次达几百场,并在各类比赛中, 如ShowStoppers, Starbound, International Chalege, 世界舞蹈之星大奖赛等多次获奖。


不知是偶然,還是必然,讓我選擇了壹種特殊的語言 —— 舞,來呈現我的生命。

Students' Testimonials 同学感言:

"The Flame of Youth" By Angela Luo

I once tried Chinese dancing. I was eight years old and lived in Pleasanton. My mom hired a teacher to teach me a Chinese dance because she wanted me to perform at the school's International Night. The dance included fans that fluttered like bright butterflies in the air. Every Sunday, the teacher would come to my house, and we’d step outside to the backyard. Half of the class was consumed by the teacher instructing me on how to open the fans. I could never get my fingers in the right position, so the teacher eventually gave up and moved on to the choreography of the dance. The other half of the class was my mom translating what the teacher said for me. After about a month, I decided to quit. I didn’t understand my teacher, and I still couldn’t open the fan correctly. The dance was weird to me. I always crinkled my nose when I thought of it. It wasn’t until many years later did I understand how important Chinese dancing would be to me.

I fell back into the softness of the car seat, exhausted from the day's skating practice. The summer sun beat through the windows, making my already-warm body even hotter. As my mom started the car, she rolled down the windows, allowing fresh air to whisper through my hair. My mom was the first to break the silence.

“Alice’s mom told me about this great Chinese dance class. I think Alice, Stephanie, and Sarah are going to do it. Do you want to try it?” my mom asked as she quickly glanced at me in the rearview mirror. “Ew, no!” I responded immediately. “Angela, this is a great opportunity for you. This class will help you with your skating.” “Yeah, but it’s Chinese,” I rolled my eyes. “So?” “So, I don’t speak Chinese!” I scoffed. "Just copy what the other kids are doing. And this class will help you learn Chinese," my mom shrugged. "Yeah, but I still don't want to do it! It's embarrassing!" "Embarrassing? How is it embarrassing?" "I don't know; it just is, you know?" I wouldn't say it, but the truth was that I wasn't proud of my culture. Chinese dances were weird. They were so different than ballet, jazz, hip-hop, or any kind of dance in America. I didn't want to take the class not only because I didn't understand Chinese, but also because I felt embarrassed. Why would I want to dance to weird music with weird costumes and weird props and weird dance moves? If anyone found out about it, I would be so humiliated. Plus I didn't want to try anything new. I was afraid to reach out of my comfort zone. What if I wasn't good enough? What if I embarrassed myself because I couldn't do some of the moves? All of these things ran through my head as I kept refusing the idea of going to that class.

But eventually, my mom made me go. On the very first class, I wore a tank top, dance shorts, and a frown that obviously illustrated my feelings toward the class. Of course, my frown turned upside down as I realized that so many of my skating friends had come, too. But inside, I kept my guard up. Every time we did some weird move, I would add that to my mental list of why I should stop the class. I would cringe at the strange music, mock the awkward arm positions, and complain about how I couldn't understand anything. All in all, I tried my best to detest the class because it was so different than my previous ballet experience.

I had no choice but to return every Saturday afternoon. Soon the teacher, Xiaopei, required us to wear a uniform. The dress mocked me, challenging me to put it on. An ugly burnt red leotard with a flimsy, girly, child-like skirt that horrified me and scorched my eyes.

The classes progressed, and choreography on a new Chinese dance started. As I had anticipated, it was just as weird as everything else I had done in the class. No way was I going perform a Chinese dance in front of people! I was a poor little animal stuck in a cage, forced to do these odd moves and tricks.

My friends made the classes bearable. We would laugh as we fell trying new tricks, and we would cheer for each other every time we accomplished something. Sometimes we'd make up funny chants to help us remember the choreography. Other days we tried convincing Xiaopei to get new uniforms; we even made a Facebook group for it. With my friends by my side, I gradually let my guard down.

I started to believe that the class was fun. "The Flame of Youth" was actually a modern Chinese dance, full of energy and life, representing the spirit of teenagers. It was powerfully positive. I learned so many more new moves than what I would have learned in ballet class.

Before I knew it, the recital came. My class and I had practiced well, and we were ready. We wore costumes so bright that it hurt my eyes to look at them. It was only when we ran on stage to the words "The Flame of Youth" that I realized how important these people were to me. I had created stronger friendships and made new friends. But most of all, I had found a new family.

And so I performed "The Flame of Youth" with my new family. We rocked the stage. "The Flame of Youth" was so amazing and successful that we were invited to perform at many other events: China Night, to celebrate Chinese National Day; Miss National Asia Pageant; the NCCCAF International Martial Arts and Dance Invitational Competition; Friendship Across the Ocean Second International Art Festival; and many more. We got to dance in various gorgeous theaters for people of all ages and ethnicities. We were also interviewed by a local TV station, and we were invited to perform in China. This would never have happened without Xiaopei's hard work and patience with us. Through these events, I learned so much about my culture and where I came from. I'm no longer ashamed of who I am; I'm proud to be Chinese-American. And when I see non-Asian people taking lessons from Xiaopei, my smile gets bigger on the inside.

I would never have experienced any of this if it weren't for my mom. By trying something new, I gained so much. My new family taught me friendship, and my dance class taught me that Chinese dance can be fun and beautiful. I learned that the diversity and the different cultures are what make America strong and unique. One shouldn't be ashamed of differences. Also, trying something new can lead to the journey of a lifetime. And through this experience, I greatly broadened my horizon. I opened my mind to accept new ideas, and I opened my arms to embrace differences. Though I may still laugh at the differences in Chinese and American culture, I know that inside, I will always be proud of being an ABC: American-Born Chinese.

《成人舞蹈班的同学们》 By 庄晓姿









臧妹妹天性豪爽,主动报上自己生辰八字,还逼着同学们一起报。基本上想知道的都打听得差不多了,可惜还是漏掉一些同学,也漏掉敬爱的晓佩老师。臧妹妹的决心是不留下任何死角,把所有老师同学的年龄都挖出来的,然后按年龄籍贯列表散发。 值得一提的是臧妹妹是滑雪高手,传说中的double diamond skier,可以滑任何高难雪道,通常情况下只滑 moguls/bumps and cliff trails. 反正在弯曲 Non-ABC women 里,她称第二的话,没有人敢称第一。








如果下次看见毛妹妹在跳舞,千万要focus 她的美丽舞姿,不该看的地方不要看。




谭妹妹来上课时她老二才刚6个月,身段已经恢复得相当好了。 年轻就是不一样,我孩子几个月的时候我还是水桶腰。有天上课的时候,谭妹妹“趴”一个倒立,相当震撼,没有点内功是不敢倒立的,严重景仰一个。




五妹平时贲含蓄一人,High起来也很有爆发力,属于宜静宜动的典范。总的来讲,五妹给人的感觉是落落大方。举止非常得体,谈吐极有分寸。五妹其实年龄不大,但是很有范儿,一群人中间,特别出挑 (没有办法,名银就是不一样)。



江湖上把女博士戏称为“灭绝师太”。传说中的灭绝师太是峨眉派掌门,性格勇猛刚毅,一心钻研武学,罔顾儿女私情。 把女博士和灭绝师太划等号,是明目张胆的诽谤和歧视。王博士就是最好的反例。事实证明,王博士在专研论文的同时,也积极发展儿女私情,成功觅得佳偶。

王博士是名校博士, 爱好广泛多才多艺。 业余时间除学跳舞,还学唱歌,弹古筝。王博士特贤惠,俺们好几个同学吃过她烤的饼干,做的豆沙包。风闻王博士的老公也很模范。他们家要在国内,至少是省级五好家庭。




看见婉儿会忍不住狂想: 这等温柔美丽的妹妹竟然让白哥哥抢走了,关键时候国男们都干什么去了! 按理说肥水不流外人田,回头一想,如今是Globalization,爱谁谁。婉儿的女儿继承母亲的美貌,再加上混血的催化,完美得简直得令人嫉妒。


顺便说一句,俺到现在还没完全对老美的甜言蜜语免疫。每次evaluation,老板都是唾沫横飞,一阵乱夸,听得俺飘飘然,沉浸在喜悦中好一阵子后, 才慢慢吃透老板的真正意思。简直太迟钝了,爆汗一个。






朱妹妹很大方,大清早一进Gym就“趴”地一下劈下去,震得周围的菜鸟们一愣一愣滴,立马引起围观。朱妹妹对自己的要求非常严格,那天recital,她在一边狂练,一刻都不消停,看得俺心烦意乱。结束以后,朱妹妹还沉痛反思,说做错一个动作。我是这么看的:中年妇女,才学3个月,还是业余,做错是正常现象,没做错就是超水平发挥 (大家都来鄙视我吧)。




当晓佩老师的学生,反应不能太迟钝,心里素质也不能太差。晓佩老师要求严格,动作没到家是不会让你很爽滴。新动作都会录下来放到网上,方便智力退化的大妈们复习。晓佩老师对每一个学生都本着不抛弃不放弃的原则,一丝不苟,精心调教,恨不得把各位业余大妈统统upgrade N个级别。


  • 精力充沛
  • 聪明,有灵气
  • 认真,投入
  • 专业素养一流
  • 有神彩,特别是跳舞的时候,光彩照人,极具感染力
  • 开朗,喜欢张开嘴大笑(我以前以为艺术精英都是掩口葫芦而笑)
  • Recital的时候,五妹说一句话让我很有感触:”She makes everybody shine”. 是晓佩老师让俺们这群中年大妈重新找回昔日的光彩。在此大谢晓佩老师,啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪啪 (鼓掌3分钟)

    特別鳴謝廣告商戶,贊助人和媒體贊助 Acknowledgements

  • Top Sponsor: Mr. DC. Wei
  • Top Sponsor:Ivymax
  • Ms. Grace Tian
  • Mr. Robert Liu
  • ZP Dental
  • Chinese American Cooperation Council
  • Ivyboost
  • TriValley Academy
  • Chinese Tomatoes.com
  • Ms. Jenny Jiang
  • Mr. Ziliang Yuan
  • Farmers Insurance: Ru Wei
  • Dr. Scott Ting
  • Ms. Vivian Wang
  • Christina's Salon
  • Ms. Linda Chen
  • Vision Dynamics Optometric Center
  • CPAA Chinese School
  • Linda Liu Photography
  • © xiaopeichinesedance 晓佩舞蹈学院

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